[Salon] Not a minute to lose


Not a minute to lose.

Yesterday Russian television (Sixty Minutes) showed video recordings taken at the opening of the Munich Security Conference. Stomach churning scenes of Nancy Pelosi kissy-kissy with Annalena Baerbock, of everyone gladhanding Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov. The Ukrainian delegation to the Conference forms the second largest after the USA.  Thirty U.S. Senators!  The organizers have found worthy replacements for Sergei Lavrov:  Khodorkovsky and Kasparov, who no doubt would be given central roles in any puppet regime installed by Washington in the event the Russians lose the war.


 This surely was the single biggest concentration of evil in one building on our planet.


Today in the morning I watched a BBC feature news report on their own British soldiers of fortune fighting in Ukraine.  Incredible. These degenerates are lionized.  The only thing missing was distribution of medals to them by King Charles.  That surely will come in a week or two.


Let us be clear about it:  day by day this war in and about Ukraine is taking on resemblance to the Spanish civil war which preceded the outbreak of WWII.  Russians are quietly reporting the existence of foreign volunteers serving on their side, including 16 Finns! And the North Koreans are said to have offered to send up to 200,000 soldiers to serve on the Russian side.


Meanwhile Euronews was reporting on the plans for a war crimes tribunal to be set up in the Hague in July. The purpose of this kangaroo court will be to enable the transfer to Ukraine of the seized assets of Russian oligarchs and of the 350 billion in Russian state reserves that are now frozen.   By any measure this would constitute a declaration of war by the whole of Europe against Russia. In this context, the 8 billion dollars destroyed in the Nord Stream pipeline bombings look like kid stuff.


Oh, yes, this morning I find that the Iran Press TV video I recorded yesterday is blocked.  Try it to see if it works in your area:  www.urmedium.com/c/presstv/122019


Regrettably, it is clear we are in the antechamber before the onset of a generalized war when all hell breaks loose.   There is not a minute to lose to bring out the fire extinguishers.  


I wish the speakers and attendees of tomorrow’s Rage Against the War Machine demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and in San Francisco bon courage. The general public must be roused from its apathy. There is not a minute to lose.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023

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